50 Sexiest Cars. Ever.

In November 2009, Australia’s Wheels magazine threw up the audacious and provocative challenge to nominate the 50 Sexiest Cars, and the 10 Ugliest!

With a cool bright orange E49 Valiant Chrysler Charger adorning the cover, the top 50 really pulled out some big ones and reminded car enthusiast readers of the beautiful array of art on wheels that has been passionately designed and created over the history of the motor vehicle.

If you want to see all the details of their special award, The Motor Page has one copy of the issue available for sale online here now.

So what makes the cut? Names like Ferrari, Audi, Dodge, Aston Martin, Chevrolet, Lancia surely evoke the passion, and get the blood flowing. But which models? These brands have an extensive menu of exquisitely shaped metallic offerings to chose from! DB5, Zagato, Dino, F40, Camaro and more are included.

Remember, this was 2009, so who would now get the flick and be replaced by a more contemporary model?

And the uglies? How about names like Lada, Tatra, Reliant and Mitsuoka to name a few. More obscure, seems to equal more ugly!

The Motor Page counted down Wheels magazine’s top 50 sexiest from their November 2009 issue, and here they are:

  • 50 Morris Mini Cooper S

  • 49 Facel Vega

  • 48 Torana A9X

  • 47 Cord 812

  • 46 Aston Martin V8

  • 45 Audi Quattro

  • 44 Dodge Charger

  • 43 Chrysler E49 Charger

  • 42 Chevrolet Camaro

  • 41 Bentley Continental

  • 40 Citroen SM

  • 39 Lotus Elite

  • 38 Mercedes 710 SSK

  • 37 AlfaRomeo 105 Spider

  • 36 Alpine-Renault A110

  • 35 AstonMartin DB5

  • 34 Ferrari F40

  • 33 BMW Z8

  • 32 Lotus Elan

  • 31 AstonMartin V8 Vantage

  • 30 Ferrari 599

  • 29 AlfaRomeo Jnr Zagato

  • 28 Corvette 1963 Stingray

  • 27 Lancia Stratos

  • 26 Bolwell Nagari

  • 25 Pagani Zonda

  • 24 Ferrari 206 Dino

  • 23 BMW 3.0 CSL

  • 22 AlfaRomeo Giulia 105

  • 21 BMW 507

  • 20 Ferrari 288 GTO

  • 19Mercedes SL65

  • 18 Jaguar E-Type

  • 17 DeTomaso Mangusta

  • 16 Citroen DS

  • 15 Ford Mustang 390

  • 14 Ferrari 250 Testa Rosa

  • 13 Bugatti 57SC Atlantic

  • 12 Mercedes 300SL

  • 11 Cobra 427

  • 10 Ferrari 365

  • 9 Lamborghini Countach

  • 8 Alfa 8C

  • 7 Porsche 911 Turbo 3.3

  • 6 Bizzarini GT 3500

  • 5 Ferrari 250 GT SWB

  • 4 AlfaRomeo 33 Stradale

  • 3 Ford GT40

  • 2 Ferrari 250 GTO

  • 1 Lamborghini Miura

And if you eally want to see all the details of their special award, The Motor Page has one copy of the issue available for sale online here now.

Go ahead, enjoy the debate, the sexiest cars.

Marcus Lacey